Invoxia Triby Smart Fridge Magnet Makes Its Debut at CES

Invoxia Triby 01

If until now fridge magnets doubled at most as bottle openers or kitchen timers, Invoxia Triby adds a whole lot of functionality that leads us to think that such decorative accessories could play a greater role in our lives.

Over the past few years I have developed an obsession for fridge magnets and I strive to get at least one three from any new city that I visit. While I do prefer the metallic ones, I also consider that the ones made from vinyl, ceramic, resin or even plastic have a beauty of their own. Still, the fridge magnet in question does not really impress with its design, but rather with the numerous functions it has. Invoxia Triby connects via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to other devices, packs a speaker and an e-ink display for messages, and can even stream music, should you feel the need to listen to something while cooking.

Supposing that you live in a developed country and you don’t bury your food to keep it cool (not so sure about the fresh factor in this context), chances are you take a trip to the fridge at least once a day. When doing so, it’s probably better to adorn it with smart (or at least good looking) gadgets, so that the kitchen becomes an even more attractive room, in case it wasn’t already.

First of all, Invoxia Triby facilitates communication, regardless if you want to tell the kids to come down for dinner or if you want to talk to them while you’re away.

In case you don’t want to disturb the others by making noises, you can doodle a message for them to see when they get nearby the fridge.

Triby also packs hands-free functionality, so you can answer calls and continue cooking. Supposing that the microphone and the speaker are good enough, you should be able to do so at a distance.

Not at last, Invoxia’s smart fridge magnet doubles as a Bluetooth speaker, so you can stream music to it effortlessly.

I particularly prefer this trend of separating functions into different products, rather than making an all-in-one device that’s either mediocre at all that it does, or needs to be taken to the repair shop when one of the features is faulty (Mac computers, anyone?). In other words, I don’t like a thing that’s a Jack of all trades, as companies tend to create better products when they focus on fewer features. That being said, instead of looking to buy a fridge with smart functions, it’s probably better to get a fridge magnet that you can easily replace if it gets broken.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the QR fridge magnets that remind you of your food’s freshness, or the fridge magnet gadget that delivers yummy pizza.