These Chanel Tennis Balls Cost $475

Rich people suck. You know it and I know it. They don’t suck just because they are rich. They suck because they encourage companies to make stuff like this. Why Chanel is even making tennis balls, I have no idea. But naturally they are selling them to wealthy idiots for $475(USD), because why not?

For that price, you get four tennis balls, and they come in synthetic fabric bag, so I guess that works out to be an average of $118.75 per ball. Well in that case, these are a bargain. Go ahead and play fetch with your purse dog then.

Also, if you feel like you need to be an even bigger d-bag, you can buy a $1550 Chanel tennis racket to go along with your Chanel balls. Because why would you want a proper racquet from a proper tennis racquet company? The racket looks cheap as hell too, presumably to maximize profit from the rich and insane.

[via Luxury Launches via OhGizmo!]