ThinkEco smartAC Kit

ThinkEco SmartAC kitThis is a great energy saving tool to have if you have a plug-in air conditioner. The ThinkEco smartAC Kit will help you conserve energy all the while helping you keep cool on these hot Summer days.

The kit comes with a modlet and a remote control/thermostat. You can take the remote control with you to any room of the house, which is a convenient way to keep your location cool. If the AC reaches the room temp that you want the modlet will turn the AC off. If it gets 2 degrees above the set thermostat temperature, the AC will turn on.

Another great feature about this device is the ThinkEco software and smartphone app that are a part of the package. You can adjust the thermostat from anywhere. You can turn it on an hour before you leave work or if you are on vacation it is a great way to monitor the temp at home.