The Creepy and Powerful Fan Film Is What Spawn Always Deserved

Once upon a time, as a wee, but not too wee, laddie, I bought a comic called “Spawn #1.” I really liked it, and then proceeded to buy Spawn #2-#30. Then, in 1997 a movie came out, and I was excited. I went to the premier with my dad, sat behind Marilyn Manson, and have the limited edition Spawn ring to prove it. Unfortunately, that movie was an enormous steaming pile of hell-turd; it had some redeeming qualities, and was at least visually interesting, but it didn’t do the characters justice. A reboot has been planned for well over a decade now, and all but the most faithful have written it off at this point.

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A group of fans have seemingly gotten tired enough of waiting to simply go and try to do it themselves, and their interpretation, Spawn: The Recall is creepy, hellish, and captivating.

This is what Spawn should have been in the first place. This eight-minute film is all that the makers have done or planned, but I’m seriously hoping that this gets the accolades that it would take to get a full story told in a longer format. NOT SO SUBTLE HINT: If this was on Kickstarter, I’d give you money.