Watch Your Favorite Videos Offline with PullTube

It may be fun to go down the YouTube rabbit hole, but what’s not fun? Waiting forever for a video to load when you’re sitting on an airplane trying to use their crummy WiFi. Don’t let poor connections get in the way of watching your favorite videos and shows. PullTube is a MacOS app that can download video content from many different sources so you can view them later, and without any worry about connectivity.

On the user-friendly interface, simply copy and paste the link of the video you want to download, then pull it up later when you have time to sit down and view it (with subtitles, too, if you want!). It also comes with Chrome and Safari extensions for quick downloads in the context of a specific web page. It even supports videos in 4K UHD resolution and 60 fps.

Plus, PullTube can even convert videos to mp3 and m4a formats, meaning you can download songs from music videos and turn them into audio tracks. Get it now for $6.99 in the Technabob Shop.