Turning Ideas into Products: Expert Tips for Invention Prototypes Part 4: Production Prototypes

Production PrototypeIn this article we will cover the purpose of production prototypes, refining key aspects of a product, why prototypes are made the way they are and why they can be expensive. We will also discuss the deliverables you’ll need in order to get a prototype made, how and where to get prototypes made and when to divide and conquer with your prototypes.
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Turning Ideas Into Products: Expert Tips For Invention Prototypes – Part 2 of 3: Prototyping Methods

Prototyping MethodsDifferent prototyping methods are typically defined by the actual purpose they each serve. In part 2 of this series, I will be explaining some of the different methods used in the creation of prototypes. Each prototyping method has its own set of ideal applications, strengths and weaknesses. Some methods are better for speed while others are intended for absolute precision or overall strength. It all comes down to what your particular project requires.

Turning Ideas Into Products: Expert Tips For Invention Prototypes – Part 1 of 3: Terminology

Pitzo PrototypesIf you have an invention idea that you hope to bring to market, eventually it will need to be prototyped. A prototype is a model of the invention idea that allows the inventor to validate and “prove” their concept. Join Trident Design’s Founder, Chris Hawker, for part 1 of a 3-part series focused on turning big ideas into real products.