The Athletitti Vest Turns You into a Playground for Your Child

If you have kids you know that they will climb all over anything. Furniture, playground equipment, you when you’re trying to watch TV… They are crazy balls of spazzy energy. Well, now you can give them a reason to climb all over you. The Athletitti Vest turns you into a jungle gym for them to climb all over. Really appropriate if your name is Jim.

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The AthleTitti vest was designed by Atsushi Shiraishi at Tama Art University. Now you are no longer just a dad, but a playground. Children will be waiting in line to climb on you. The vest is made of easy-to-grip ropes that provide good hand and footholds for kids and Ewoks alike.

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The idea is to encourage play between kids and adults. It does that job well, but it’s not exactly a fashion accessory. Let’s hope your man-boobs are safe from kids grabbing them to climb, despite it’s unfortunate name.

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[via Laughing Squid]