Know How Hot Your Bathwater Is Without Even Touching It

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When you’re filling that tub up for a nice hot bath, you’ll often find yourself fiddling with the spout to get the temperature just right. It’s always a sequence of stick your hand in boiling water, turn the faucet down to something colder, ok now it’s too cold, let’s make it hot again, is it hot enough, damn it I burned myself. It’s not the apocalypse in terms of problems people can have, but this inconvenience can be solved with the above tub spout cover that displays the water’s temperature digitally. Adjust it without ever so much as touching the water, at least until it’s ready.


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SmartTap Lets You Shower in Style


What could be better than a long and relaxing shower that is customized to suit your body temperature?

Well, it may not be very unrealistic if we consider Israeli engineer Asaf Shaltiel’s e-shower mechanism. The novel shower mechanism is smart in its real sense and automatically controls temperature, pressure and flow ...
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