Have a Merry Beardy Christmas With Beard Baubles!

Beard Baubles

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, twelve baubles hanging, eleven of them shining, ten of them about to fall off his big ol’ beard… That’s not quite how the song goes, but it might as well be sung that way with the introduction of these Beard Baubles. As the name implies, these are basically colorful ornaments that are meant to be hung on your beard (or on the facial fluff of your man or loved one.)

These unusual holiday wearable decors were thought up by Mike Kennedy and Pauline Ashford.

Beard Baubles1


The Beard Baubles are available for purchase online. The best part? All proceeds go to Beard Season, an organization dedicated to fighting melanoma.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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