Fan Builds Awesome Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Replica

I don’t know about you, but everything about the new Ghostbusters reboot so far just seems blah. No style, no substance. Even the new Ecto-1 seems bland and unimaginative. On the other hand, this car made by UK-based Paul Harborne looks pretty sweet.

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Paul spent three years and about $156,000(USD) renovating a classic 1960 Cadillac Miller-Meteor and turning it into the Ecto-1 car from the original Ghostbusters films. The Caters News Agency says that Harborne is getting even more attention than ever, with the upcoming release of the Ghostbusters reboot.

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This is my dream car. Plus you can use it to bust ghosts on the side. Awesome.

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[via Laughing Squid]