Amazing Cardboard Cat Houses

Amazing Cardboard Cat Houses

Building a house for a cat? Pretty cool. Building your cat a cardboard house inspired by famous architectural landmarks? Very cool.

Over the years, we’ve seen here at Walyou a lot of amazing, super geeky cat houses and trees. But one thing is clear when it comes to cats: You can build the most amazing cat house for them, but they usually prefer  to snuggle in a cardboard box. That’s why I just love these designs. They combine your cat’s ultimate love for cardboard boxes while adding some playfulness to your home with that inspired architectural landmarks look.

Currently there are 7 designs you can choose from including The Maya temple, The Sphinx of Giza, The Eiffel Tower, The White House, The Kremlin, The Taj Mahal and The Pagoda. These houses are super easy to put together so your cat can enjoy his/her new home fast. You can get more details on these awesome cat house here on kickstarter.

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Be Social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter. For more related articles check out our Mama Mia! Super Mario Inspired Cat Tree and CAT-AT: The AT-AT Cat House.

via boredpanda

Catpanion Cube

catpanion cube Catpanion Cube
Every gamer needs a trusty gamer cat by their side. And all gamer cats need appropriately geeky sleeping and play quarters- like this Catpanion Cube. It’s from Portal if you didn’t know that. This handmade cat house is made from foam with fabric sewn on top. Great for occupying your kitty while you spend hours teleporting around trying to get some cake.

Catpanion Cube