SpaceX Countdown Underway, Watch the live Webcast Now [Updates]

Commercial Space company SpaceX is trying again today to fly a spacecraft to the ISS. The Falcon 9 / Dragon COTS 2 demonstration mission is the first flight of a private company to the ISS. This is...

Next SpaceX Launch Attempt is Tuesday 3:44am ET

Space travel is not trivial. The historic mission of SpaceX to undertake the first private trip to the ISS is hampered by technical problems. On May 19 the 2nd attempt failed due to high pressure in...

SpaceX Dragon to Take off May 19

After months of delays, SpaceX is set to become the first commercial company to make a trip to the international space station with the launch scheduled for this weekend. On May 19, if all goes well...

SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft flight to International Space Station Scheduled for May 7

SpaceX tweeted a launch time for the Dragon Spacecraft to fly to the International Space Station (ISS). The COTS 2 Mission is confirmed for May 7, 9:38am ET by NASA. A week ago NASA cleared the...

SpaceX Dragon ISS Mission Cleared

Space X has been given the green light by NASA for its first mission to the ISS. This initial mission will see no cargo or personnel on board the Dragon capsule. The Dragon spacecraft will take four...