Cubii Sits Under Your Desk, Lets You Exercise at Work

Having a desk job can really make you unhealthy. Even if you get up a lot, you are mostly sitting for many hours a day and that is not good for you. Standing desks can help some, but they don’t exactly give you exercise. For those times when you’re seated, Cubii can help keep you fit. It is a smart and compact elliptical machine for under your desk.

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The device pairs with a user’s smartphone or Fitbit to track their results, and you can share your data to compete with friends online, making things more interesting. It has eight levels of resistance that can be easily changed whenever you want.

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With this under your desk, you can burn an estimated 150 calories per hour – not bad for something you can do while at work. This is a great solution for anyone who is desk bound.

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Cubii sells for about $350, but they’re offering significant discounts for offices who decided to buy multiple units.

[via Laughing Squid]