RPG Dice for Beer Lovers: Rolled Hops

Here’s a critical hit to your sobriety. These Beer Dice from Artisan Dice are pretty much your typical tabletop gaming dice, except they contain compressed hops encased in crystal meth resin, and are also inlaid with brass numbers.

Pretty cool. Beautiful even. Elegant. As long as they don’t roll across the table like they’re drunk, then it’s all good. If they do, I guess you can use these to simulate a drunk character in your D & D game. These dice aren’t cheap though.

A single d20 will cost you $53, and a complete ten die polyhedral set (a d20, d12, d10, d%, d8, four d6’s, and a d4), will cost you $283. That’s pretty crazy, but then again they are beer dice. I wouldn’t even know how to make my own. Do I use Coors or Pabst Blue Ribbon? Or something classier? I have no idea. Do I just boil dice in beer on the stove? So many questions. I would just end up passed out, with beer and melted dice all over the floor. I think I’ll leave it to the experts.

[via Nerdist via Geekologie]