Universe may hold 10 times more galaxies than once thought

The observable universe was already incomprehensibly big, but it now looks to be even bigger. Astronomers have determined that are likely about 10 times more galaxies than previously thought, or between 1 trillion to 2 trillion. We just don't have th...

Google visits reportedly represent nearly 25 percent of North American web traffic

Google visits reportedly represent nearly 25 percent of North American web traffic

Google's pretty popular here in North America, but one analytics firm is reporting some figures that might sound a bit too good to be true. DeepField, a company that focuses on analyzing web performance, is today claiming that Google broke a web record within the last month -- visits to the site now represent 25 percent of all North American web traffic, with 60 percent of all internet-connected devices accessing the service each day. Netflix, for its part, represents the leader in bandwidth (despite YouTube falling under the Google umbrella), but far more users access the search site within a 24-hour period, as you'd probably expect. Without a statement from Mountain View, it's important to note that these figures are unconfirmed. Considering Google's reach, however, the claims might not be far off.

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Via: PCWorld

Source: DeepField