Climate Change Increases Flooding Risk in US

All you need to know about the changing storm and flooding patterns in the US:Storm dynamics are changing in the US and a recent study published in the Nature Climate Change addresses the issue. The...

Woolly Mammoths Killed by Climate Change says Study

Global warming is a process that has led to the extinction of past species in massive quantities. An analysis of the DNA record, carbon dating and geology of the earth by an international team led by...

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Global Warming is Real

The world is supposedly getting hotter and hotter due to carbon emissions and the resultant global warming has led to a massive meltdown of the arctic snow caps.This was the frightening prediction...

America’s Only Endangered Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly Released in Illinois

Scientists are telling Illinois citizens: don’t knock away that bug flying by at lightning speeds. Turns America’s only endangered dragonfly, the Hine’s emerald, has just been rereleased in the wild...

Wildfires Air Pollution Could Increase Heart Problems

The air pollution resulting from forest fires run amok may cause problems in heart patients and furthermore increase chances of a heart attack in otherwise normal and healthy people. The thick and...

Researchers Look at Owl Vomit to Determine Impact of Humans on Ecosystem

Scientists analyze owl vomit to measure impact of humans on the ecosystem over time. This sound unusual and gross, but actually makes a lot of sense. In Owl pellets are the rest of mice that owls eat...

Bumblebees Under Threat by Climate Change

A recent study published on Thursday declares Bumblebees are losing their sense of direction due to climate changes. According to the study losing their sense of direction leads to a decrease in the...

Climate Change Crushes Bumblebees Population

A recent study published on Thursday declares Bumblebees are losing their sense of direction due to climate changes. According to the study losing their sense of direction leads to a decrease in the...