Old G4 Towers Become Classy Coffee Table


Old computers don’t have to be dead weight in your garage anymore, and can be integral part of your stylish, awesome looking living room, as long as you’re creative enough.

Back in the day, Apple computers did have towers, too. These probably saw a lot of work, but still got to ...
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Turn an Old G4 iMac into an iPad Stand

Have you got an old iMac G4 laying around? Well I don’t, but Reddit contributor cwtfozzy bought one and decided that it would make the perfect iPad stand. I have to say that it looks like a match made in heaven.

imac g4 ipad stand diy

Cwtfozzy rescued this old iMac G4 from eBay for £50 (~$80 USD). He basically gutted the iMac G4 and then fiddled with it so that his iPad would fit into the screen area. It’s surprising how good this looks.

imac g4 ipad stand diy side to side

He didn’t spend too long customizing it and the results speak for themselves. If you want to try this for yourself, you can probably find a cheap, broken one on eBay, like cwtfozzy did.

imac g4 ipad stand diy front

imac g4 ipad stand diy side

[via Cult of Mac]