Solar System INSIDE a Cake

planet cake Solar System INSIDE a Cake
Cake….the final frontier. Check out this delectably sweet solar system cake from Gonzuela’s Cakes (Gonzuela Bastarache). Unlike a typical cake, this one has the decorations INSIDE the cake. That’s actually a twice baked cake and Gonzuela says it’s easy to make and then gives instructions on how to do it that don’t look easy or simple at all. To her credit she did go all old school on it and included Pluto as one of the planets. Now kids, no need to fight over who gets to eat Uranus, there’s enough for everyone. Sweet.

Solar System INSIDE a Cake

Darth Vader Cake Pan

darth vader cake pan e1349113582748 Darth Vader Cake Pan
May the Force bake with you. Make a giant Darth Vader cake the easy way with this Darth Vader Cake Pan Darth Vader Cake Pan. This aluminum pan (for even cooking throughout the Sith lord’s helmet) fits any two-layer cake mix. Just fill it, bake it, and eat. Easy as pie…err cake. I’d suggest something in a dark chocolate as Lord Vader (or as he likes to be called “the real Cake Boss”) does not look kindly on vanilla cake.

buy now Darth Vader Cake Pan

Darth Vader Cake Pan

Severed Wampa Arm Cake

severed wamp arm cake Severed Wampa Arm Cake
In terms of esoteric minutiae in science fiction cinema as translated to the edible form, the Severed Wampa Arm Cake really takes the…. wait for it… cake. Not only is this Star Wars cake pretty accurate looking, it’s sounds pretty freakin’ delicious.
wamp arm cut Severed Wampa Arm Cake
That’s the guava jelly filling substituting for Wampa blood. The Wampa’s fur is actually coconut and his fingernails are Nestle Crunch Crisp bars. JustJenn has the complete recipe if you’d like to duplicate this at home, which is definitely easier (and tastier) than traveling all the way to Hoth, being entrapped by a Wampa and hung upside down in an ice cave, and having to use the Force to retrieve your lightsaber before using it to cut off his arm and escape. Then again, if you’re a disaster in the kitchen, the Hoth option might just be easier.

Severed Wampa Arm Cake