HGST Outs 1TB Travelstar Z5K1000 Internal HDD


HGST is preparing to release their newest internal HDD, the Travelstar Z5K1000. Coming in 1TB capacity, this 2.5-inch HDD (7mm thick) is equipped with a SATA 6.0 Gbps interface, a 32MB of buffer memory and a 5400RPM spindle speed. The Travelstar Z5K1000 is scheduled to hit the market from November, however, there’s no word on pricing yet. [HGST]

WD Se Enterprise HDDs


Western Digital hits back with a new line enterprise HDDs, the WD Se. Coming in 2TB, 3TB and 4TB sizes, these 3.5-inch internal HDDs are equipped with a 64MB of cache memory, a SATA 6.0 Gbps interface and a 7200RPM spindle speed. The WD Se enterprise HDDs are available now with prices ranging from $159.99 to $309.99. [WD]

HGST 1.5TB Travelstar 5K1500 Internal HDD


HGST is proud to bring you their latest internal HDD, the Travelstar 5K1500. Coming in 1.5TB capacity, this 2.5-inch HDD (9.5mm thick) is equipped with a SATA 6.0 Gbps interface, a 32MB of buffer memory and a 5400RPM spindle speed. The Travelstar 5K1500 is scheduled to be shipped in June. [HGST]

WD Scorpio Blue Internal HDDs


Available in both 320GB and 500GB capacities, the WD Scorpio Blue is Western Digital’s latest line of internal HDDs for the mass market. Designed specifically for ultrabooks, these ultra-slim 2.5-inch HDDs (7mm thick) are equipped with an 8MB of cache memory, a SATA 3.0 Gbps interface and a 5400RPM spindle speed. The 320GB and 500GB models are available now for $79.99 and $99.99, respectively. [Western Digital]