Shonda Rhimes Appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Shonda Rhimes made quite an entry on the scene of Jimmy Kimmel Live recently. In the capacity of head honcho of the execution and production of Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy, this bold, brave and...

Zoë Kravitz woke to Ashton Kutcher making an omelet in her Kitchen

Zoë Kravitz is a successful actor in her own right but she also happens to have some famous parents. She is the daughter of rocker and actor Lenny Kravitz and actress Lisa Bonet of the Cosby Show...

Bing takes Bing It On Challenge to Katie Couric Show

Bing announced that it will sponsor Katie Couric’s show for the next week. "Katie" is a concert series daytime talk show hosted by Katie Couric herself. Katie is recently out due to her busy schedule...