Wearable Bluetooth Ring; We’re Calling It “Precious”

bluetooth RingThis may not be the One Ring to rule them all, but it could definitely allow you to have the power of controlling many devices with the flick of your finger. Logbar’s Ring is a Bluetooth device fitted with an accelerometer that is capable of recognizing finger gestures. Depending on the gestures you make, you have the ability to send texts, turn on your music, and check emails just by simply writing in the air.

The Ring will alert you of new texts and emails by either vibration or LED lights that light up on the side of the Ring. According to Logbar, the Ring can perform up to 1000 gestures before the battery needs to be recharged. There are so many “pros” to this device it’s hard to tell you about them all in this article. Here is the Kickstarter video that shows all the amazing things this little device can do. But you know us, we had to find some “cons” and here are a couple. One, you cannot get it wet. So if you are an avid hand washer you will have to remember to remove the Ring and then remember to put it back on. Two, once the battery wears out, it’s all done. There is no way to replace the battery, so you will just need to replace the entire device for a mere $150.

As of right now, the Ring is compatible with iOS and Android devices, but they do have plans to release a Windows Phone version in the future. Their Kickstarter campaign has 29 days left and has currently doubled its goal of $250,000. If you would like to be one of the first to own your own “Precious”, sign up on their Kickstarter and donate a minimum of $165 and you will have one in your possession by June 2014.

Logbar Ring