Beetlejuice Maitlands Costumes Won’t Scare Winona, But Should Freak out Everyone Else

If you really want to scare somebody out of their house (or even your house after you are dead) there is no better way to do it than with these awesome Maitlands’ costumes from Beetlejuice.

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They were built by instructables member TrustTheStar. If you’re thinking about building some for yourself, you’re basically making two large heads from big blocks of EPS construction foam.

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Once you have that you’ll need to cut the foam with a hot knife into the shape of each head and sand it. A dremel is also very handy. After you shape them, just paint them up, add some wigs and black mesh for the details. Also, you’ll need some styrofoam eyeballs for your fingertips.

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Now you are a pair of Beetlejuice monsters. Have fun scaring the bejesus out of people, whether it is Halloween or not. They look pretty awesome.

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