Catching Real Mice with the Mouse Trap Board Game

Shawn Woods has a YouTube channel dedicated to testing different kinds of mouse traps. It’s pretty entertaining stuff. His latest video might just be the weirdest one yet, or the coolest depending on your point of view. He used the Rube Goldbergesque “Mouse Trap” board game to capture an actual mouse. Impractical? Sure. But a very fun way to catch rodents. How many kids have dreamed of this through the years? Now, one man has done it.

Don’t worry, no mice were hurt in this experiment. In fact the little critter got a treat for participating. The first trap is used to pull the crank which gets the board game started when the mouse steps on the pad The game goes through its little routine as metal balls roll down tracks, etc., and eventually the second real mousetrap is triggered.

The whole thing works pretty flawlessly. So if you ever need to catch a mouse and all you have is this board game, now you know what to do. I seriously doubt you’ll ever find yourself in that situation, but you never know. Always be prepared, that’s what I say.

[via Hackaday]

Guy Builds Human-size Mousetrap, Mice Rejoice

If you ever had a mousetrap come down on your finger or a toe, you know the excruciating pain that it causes. Now imagine a giant mousetrap that is big enough to slam down on your body and kill you dead. Welcome to the mouse’s world.

The Backyard Scientist has created such a mousetrap. He used it to crush coconuts and watermelons, among other things. Even a hardhat with a mannequin head. As you can guess, the hardhat did not help. That smashing arm reaches speeds of 42 miles per hour. It would totally cut you in half or at least pin you to the board, where you would quickly expire.

The spring-powered mechanism is so powerful that an electric winch is needed to tighten the coil. No way I would want to prime this trap manually. Humans (and giant mice) better stay away.

[via Sploid]