Researcher breaks Pi calculation record with the help of NVIDIA

Researcher calculates Pi to digit digit with the help of NVIDIA

Yesterday's self-congratulatory pat on the back to anyone reciting Pi to ten digits might feel a bit inadequate compared to Santa Clara University's Ed Karrels. The researcher has broken the record for calculating Darren Aronofsky's favorite number, taking the ratio to eight quadrillion places right of the decimal. Given the location of the University, you'll be unsurprised to learn which hardware maker's gear was used to break the record. Karrels will be showing off the new digits at the GPU technology conference in San Jose, demonstrating the CUDA-voodoo necessary to harness all of that Kepler-based computing power.

[Image Credit: Ed Karrels]

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Source: Ed Karrels

It’s March 14th: we’re gonna make you a pi with a heart in the middle

It's March 13th: we're gonna make you a pi with a heart in the middle

Ladies and gentlemen (and nerds), today is Pi Day. You know what that means: tons of math and pie/pi puns flooding your newly spartan News Feed. Not too mention, a few more creative celebrations of the date that so closely mirrors the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Lets not kid ourselves though, after several years of internet-fueled and fruit-filled fun Pi Day is starting to lose its luster. So, the question is, are you doing your best to restore the original meaning of the holiday and take it back from those who have turned it into a crass meme-athon? Oh, and don't worry if you forgot to send us a card, you can always make up for it on June 28th.

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