Bastile Day: A French Revolution RPG with Zombies

The French Revolution was one of the most chaotic and bloody eras in recent memory, but that has in no way stopped game developer Post World Games from adding zombies just to spice things up a bit. Yup, those creepy sewers full of skeletons are now really creepy sewers full of reanimated corpses. HUZZAH!

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Bastile Day will use Post World Games’ original DramaSystem, which is designed to gamify not only the procedural scenes in tabletop RPGs, but also the dramatic ones. Pivotal interactions between characters demand use of a system in which a character designated at the petitioner seeks an emotional or social response from another character or group of characters called the granter. This is all governed by emotional ties included at character creation and a series of carrots and sticks that encourages characters to occasionally give in, just like real life.

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Bastile Day will also come with a built-in campaign that also sounds rather interesting, as a guy who likes a story with some good moral ambiguity to argue about and quote Aristotle over. The press release describes it thusly: “It forces players to work together against a gamut of terrorizing obstacles and moral complexities, begging the question… “are they villains or heroes?” Including a chapter laden with notorious NPCs, Bastille Day offers a game world that entertains, excites, and torments its players.” The game will be raising funds on Kickstarter in early 2015.

[via Post World Games]