ScreenSavrz Cover Protects iMac Displays without Flying Toasters

There’s something to be said about taking care of your computer monitors, especially about the ones that come included in all-in-one computers. You can’t really change those easily when there’s something wrong with them, so it makes sense to be very careful, just in case.

screensavrz imac screen cover radtech

Apart from being spelled somewhat annoyingly, Radtech’s ScreenSavrz is a good way to protect your screen from physical damage. It’s an ultra-light, stretchy cloth cover for your iMac screen, designed to protect the display from dust and dirt when it’s not in use. It also doubles as a way to clean and polish fingerprints from your screen.

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You can get the ScreenSavrz for iMac for $39.95(USD) for the 21-inch model and $54.95 for the 27-inch model directly from Radtech in a variety of fabric colors. They also make covers for Apple Cinema Displayslaptops, and mobile devices.

screensavrz imac screen cover radtech how

[via BlessThisStuff]