Samsung Electronics to freeze wages in 2015 in South Korea

Unfortunately enough for companies, public image and lots of innovations do not really mean high profits even the company seems to be doing pretty well and has a well off standing in the market. As...

Apple continues to lure Samsung engineers despite lawsuit

What’s the best resource a company can get to be competitive? The answer very simply lies in the rival’s workforce. After all, everything is fair in love, war AND business and Apple has shown the...

Samsung launches First 14nm FinFET Mobile Application Processor Mass Production

Samsung announced today that the company has launched the mass production of the industry’s first mobile application processor using the new 14-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology.The 14nm...

Samsung Smart TVs are inserting Ads into User’s Videos

Well if you are a Samsung TV user you would have been quite furious this past week due to the voice recognition software that had started to record owners conversations by itself and the Samsung TV...

Samsung to release a 3-Sided Display Galaxy Smatphone Next Month

Samsung has work cut out for them and they are once again trying to top Apple with the release of its new phones. Apple broke records with the sale of its iPhone 6 and 6+ last year.It seemed like...

Samsung Smart TVs are Spying on You

So we all have to admit now that Samsung is being a bit creepy. They say that they have put in a voice recognition software so that they can hear people and claim that this will help them make a...

Apple will dominate Samsung

When Apple CEO Tim Cook announced this week that his company had set record breaking sales during the fourth quarter of 2014, it pretty much came as old news. Every consumer in the world has known...

Apple beats Samsung to Become World’s Largest Smartphone Vendor in Q4 2014

Overall on an average in the year 2014 Samsung reigned as the number on smartphone patron globally. However if recent statistical data is to be taken into consideration, Apple may have defeated the...