Super Smash Bros. Ported To TI-83 Calculator

Super Smash Bros TI-83 title image

You can settle it in Smash. And you can also settle it in Smash on a calculator through an awesome port made by a TI-83 homebrewer.

Super Smash Bros. will be making its triumphant debut this week on the Nintendo Wii U, but silently on another orthodox platform too. Omnimaga forum member, Hayleia, has been busy making a version of the all-star Nintendo bash, called Super Smash Open, for the Texas Instruments’ TI-83 series of calculators that’s available for download right as we speak.

Why would you opt for a version of Smash Bros. that you can only pick two characters, Fox and Falco from Star Fox, and none of the frills that come with the Wii U one? Well, you wouldn’t. But it is an amusing port for all things. One that is being continually worked on by Hayleia, and who is currently seeking for more folks to help with its further development.

The project is both free to download (it even has a two-player mode, albeit one where you have to share a calculator to play) and free to improve, so if you’ve got the programing know how, you might be able to expand the roster and fix it up with a few more gaming options.

Similar TI-83 calculator portings of Portal and Pokémon have been made in the past from devoted homebrewers of the hardware, and you can find more of their projects over at TI-Planet, a website dedicated in rounding up similar homebrew software for the TI-83.

Source: Tiny Cartridge

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