Serve Dinner Indy Style with This Monkey Brains Bowl

When not chasing down Nazis and uncovering ancient artifacts, Indy occasionally likes to entertain. Have some friends over for dinner. Good thing he learned a thing or two from Temple of Doom. Chilled monkey brains always go over well.

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You can serve up a feast like the Maharajah of Pankot with this monkey brains bowl from Firebox. It’s perfect for slimy red stuff like borscht or steak tartare. Plus, the skull cap lid helps keeps your food hot or cold.

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I would serve up some Jello that looks like brains in this thing. Good thing there’s already a brain-shaped silicone mold out there. Serving up food in these should get your dinner guests fainting around the table. It will be a dinner they won’t soon forget, and well worth the ~$59(USD) price tag for each bowl.

Indiana Jones Monkey Brain Cake: Bakers of the Lost Ark

I remember being a kid and watching Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom. It was a great movie for kids, but one part that always grossed me out was the chilled monkey brains that were served in the palace. Gross.

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Well, if you enjoyed that scene from the classic Indiana Jones movie, you can relive it with your own chilled monkey brains cake. Yes, you can make this and creep everyone out. This twisted cake comes from Instructable user BubbleandSweet.

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You can bet it will taste better than the real thing. It looks just like the monkey from the movie. It even has the white hair just like in the movie. It looks delicious, but gross.

[via Neatorama]