Realistic Howling Wolf Mask: He’ll Rip Your Lungs out, Jim.

Fans of the classic Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt are going to howl over this realistic latex Howling Wolf Mask inspired by the shirt. This mask will earn the respect of the Alpha wolf this Halloween. It may even help you to ascend to another spiritual plane and transcend this world.

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The eyeholes have been cleverly placed in neck, and the head is pointed toward the stars so that you are forever howling at the moon.

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I would suggest that you and two of your friends wear this mask on Halloween so you can recreate the classic image in all it’s glory with the moon as your backdrop. You will feel the power of the wolf and maybe even be hungry like the wolf.

How else are you going to transform into a majestic howling wolf? By getting bitten by a wolf? No thank you. This is a much safer bet.

[via Laughing Squid]