TouchOfModern 5 Weeks of Discovery: Week 1 – UrbMat Guided Garden

The innovative flash sale site TouchOfModern is back again this year, with the intention of making shopping for gorgeous design and gadgets a whole lot more fun. In this five-part Monday Madness series, we have compiled a compelling list of five products that are perfect as a treat for yourself or as a gift for someone you love, with a myriad of selections for multiple personality types.

UrbMat is a small-space garden solution that takes the guesswork out of growing your own herbs, vegetables, and flowers. It utilizes built-in irrigation and lasts up to three years in direct sunlight. Plant types are color-coded, pre-spaced, and integrated with companion planting to keep your home cooking fresh.

UrbnEarth, the guys behind the UrbMat, is focused on providing solutions for city dwellers to grow their own food regardless of space and soil restrictions. They’re a community of like-minded people who feel strongly that growing our food is an answer to many of society’s health-related problems. The UrbMat is meant to empower and mobilize people to take control of the current food system and become powerful producers rather than dependent consumers.

And there’s more to the UrbMat sale than a cool product. TouchOfModern has connected with UrbnEarth to bring homegrown food to local classrooms. Two meals are typically donated per UrbMat purchased, and in an additional effort to foster healthy learning habits, TouchOfModern will be donating one UrbMat to a local school in San Francisco for every ten sold.

By buying your own UrbMat, you’re growing more than your own garden; you’re growing a child’s interest in the environment. Giving back while growing your own garden? That’s what we at Yanko Design call “Form Beyond Function.”

Inspired? Purchase your own UrbMat here now.

Local elementary schoolers will now be able to grow twelve foods, flowers, and herbs, with learning opportunities based on the UrbMat’s companion growing, maximization of small spaces, composting, and caring for everything from carrots to kale. Kits will be hand-delivered by Phil Weiner, CEO of UrbnEarth, whose passion for health is matched by TouchOfModern’s commitment to community.

“We believe in making a positive impact to everyday living through beautiful design, whether it makes your life more efficient, or simply brings joy from interacting with it.” – Dennis Liu, CEO, TouchOfModern.

Stay tuned for next Monday’s discovery from TouchOfModern, with a bonus giveaway on Week 5.

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(TouchOfModern 5 Weeks of Discovery: Week 1 – UrbMat Guided Garden was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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