Virgin Galactic passengers will wear these Under Armour spacesuits

Yesterday, NASA revealed the spacesuits its astronauts will wear on future Moon and Mars missions. They're impressive but clunky and a little heavy-handed on the patriotic theme. As you might expect, commercial space travel will be a bit more stylish...

Virgin Orbit will launch small satellites for the UK military

Virgin Orbit, the small satellite launch arm of Virgin Galactic, will provide launch capabilities for the UK's Royal Air Force (RAF). Virgin has been angling for government contracts recently and has managed to land a project called Artemis "to demon...

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo Crash Investigation is Underway

Virgin Galactic which is owned by Branson's Virgin Group and Aabar Investments PJS of Abu Dhabi, faced a tragedy the past Friday when the SpaceShip Two which design was inspired by the aerospace...

Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo Crash: 1 Pilot Dead, 1 Injured

Celebrities like Ashton Kutcher and Justin Bieber along with other space enthusiasts paid a big amount to Virgin Galactic company for a ticket to explore the world. Virgin Galactic launched its new...

Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo Crashed

The Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo has crashed during a test flight. Virgin Galactic issued a brief statement:"Virgin Galactic’s partner Scaled Composites conducted a powered test flight of...

Sir Richard Branson Trains to be An Astronaut

When Sir Richard Branson was guest on Letterman he was not quite clear if he would be on the first Virgin Galactic flight. He is though already training to be an Astronaut. In a blog post today,...

Sir Richard Branson talks about his Space Venture on David Letterman

Sir Richard Branson was guest on the David Letterman Show last night. Letterman asked him about his commercial space venture Virgin Galactic. Somehow Branson is not coming across that confident about...