Meat Wrapping Paper Is Clever, Inedible

Remember Gift Couture, the company who Kickstarted (that’s a word!) their way to bringing us Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper? Me too. It was delicious. Now they’re back with a new meaty food themed wrapping paper. But this time around? This time around they know exactly what they’re doing. They skipped all the crazy stuff like lettuce and tomatoes or whatever and only brought the stuff that matters: THE MEAT. Well, THE MEAT, a cutting board to cut THE MEAT, and some butcher paper to wrap THE MEAT. I like the direction this is heading. Next time around they’re gonna bring us the ultimate meaty food wrapping paper: hot dogs on a stick. Just watch, I’m calling it!



Santa x Monster Mash Up Wrapping Paper

Archie McPhee brings us this holiday-appropriate Santa Monster wrapping paper. And by “holiday-appropriate” I clearly mean “is nothing sacred anymore?!” I bet monsters don’t even celebrate the day that Santa gave birth to baby Jesus. Then again, that’s a pretty a grinchy way to look at things. Christmas is about getting presents and drinking enough egg nog to tolerate your family — it’s not about questioning monster’s beliefs! That’s what Easter is for. So yeah, sorry about judging you, monsters. If you guys wanna wear Santa hats and scare the shit out of people spread holiday cheer, go right ahead! And bring presents. Lots and lots of presents. Or the deal is off.