This Shirt Lets Everyone Feel the Wrath of Khan’s Chest

Who wouldn’t love to have Khans beefy chest? Well, now you can. No weight lifting or visits to Fantasy Island necessary. This Khan T-shirt will make you look just like Khan Noonien Sighn. From the neck down at least.

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I know you want this shirt. Me too. It is awesome. This shirt tasks me! It tasks me, and I shall have it! I’ll chase it round the Moons of Nibia, and round the Antares Maelstrom, and round Perdition’s flames before I give it up! But thankfully I won’t have to. It is only $39.99(USD) from SuperHeroStuff.

It’s perfect for Halloween or just to look cool and ripped any day of the week. Wear it to the office, why don’t you?