Chinese government blocks Gmail service completely

China isn’t definitely about some normal internet access; it usually isn’t surprising to find out that some web application or a site has been banned in the country which doesn’t really appreciate...

Full Screen Option is Now Available for Gmail Compose Box

A radical change has just occurred in the service that is Gmail. Its compose window will now be sporting a full screen option. And as if this was not enough, it will also feature a switch to put it...

Google Wallet now deeply integrated into Gmail

Google unveiled a ton of cool stuff at Google I/O, and one of them is the capability to send money through Gmail. Yes, you've read that right. Google is now making it easy for Gmail users to pay,...

Google Announces the Extension of Free Gmail Voice Calls in the US and Canada for 2013

If you've been enjoying free Gmail voice calls to your Gmail contacts during 2012, you'll be glad to hear that Google has announced it plans to extend the service for the US and Canada throughout...