Brandy Smuggler Walking Cane Flask Helps You Stay Upright When You’ve Had Your Fill

Need a way to carry around your favorite booze without raising suspicion? As long as you’re not planning to use it to transport illegal substances, I think you’ll find the Brandy Smuggler Walking Cane perfect for your needs.

Obviously you don’t need to fill it with brandy. Pour in beer, ginger ale, shots of Patron, or even Diet Coke…. it’s up to you, although keep in mind that you won’t be able to keep your drinks at the desired temperature since you can’t exactly stuff your cane into the fridge – though you might be able to freeze a couple of the flasks to help keep the others cold.

brandy smuggler cane

Hidden within the cane are five 2-oz. flasks that are stacked one upon another on the inside. Just unscrew the top to gain access to your hidden chamber of drinks.

Of course, you’ll have to develop a sudden limp and practice so that you can successfully convince everyone around you that you need a cane to walk upright. But hey, anything to sneak your drinks in, right?

The Brandy Smuggler Walking Cane flask is priced at $69.95(USD).

[via The Green Head]