Invention Of The Week? Make Your Camera Fly With Birdie

There is a new aerodynamic accessory on the market for action cameras like GoPro. Called Birdie, you launch the gadget in the air while your camera snaps all sorts of cool shots and videos, and everyone will enjoy the fact that this new invention is actually much cheaper than most entry level drones out there. So, are you ready to make your camera fly?

Saltwater Brewery Develops Eco-Friendly ‘Edible Six-Pack Rings’

Edible Six-Pack Rings on Saltwater Brewery's Screamin' Reels BeerOur oceans are sadly turning into trash receptacles overflowing with non-biodegradable waste. Find out how one microbrewery in Florida has teamed up to put an end to the mutilation and death of aquatic life as a result of the plastics that lurk beneath the water.

Invention Of The Week? Pilot Is A Smart Earpiece Language Translator

A world without language barriers has finally arrived, thanks to new technology developed by a team of inventors in New York City. You see, Waverly Labs in Manhattan has just created the Pilot, which is the world’s first smart earpiece that translates between users speaking different languages. Will this technology be a hit on the market?

New App ‘Posh Peep’ Allows Users To Weigh In On Fashion Choices

Posh Peep Lets Users Create Fashion Polls & Get FeedbackNeed help getting dressed for that big date or job interview and not sure what to wear? No problem! A new app called Posh Peep gives you feedback from social media users turned fashion critics on the spot. Save yourself from embarrassing fashion faux pas and find out more about how it works and which social media platform is connected to it.

Invention Of The Week? Free Electric: A Bicycle That Will Power Millions Of Homes

Manoj Bhargava is the brainchild of the 5-Hour Energy drink and he has plenty of money in the bank, like around $4 billion. However the self-made-billionaire feels that it is his duty to give back to the world. Through the Billions in Change campaign, Bhargava and his Michigan-based team have just unveiled the Free Electric machine, which is a bicycle that creates energy and powers up homes. What would happen if we all used his machine? Will gyms in our local strip malls someday power up homes too?

14-Year-Old Inventor Creates Braille Printer From Legos At The Age Of 12

Lego Braille Printer by Braigo Labs (image via Facebook)What were you doing at 12? Find out how many young movers and shakers are making a difference in society today with innovative new inventions like a DIY Braille printer made from ordinary toys and other low-cost materials.

Winscape Software Allows Users To Wake Up Someplace Different Each Morning Without Ever Leaving Home

Winscape Virtual WindowsHow do you wake up in a different city with a different view whenever you feel like it without being rich or backpacking throughout Europe? A software and product setup known as Winscape can take you there. Find out how it works right here.