Nest will Indeed Start sharing Data with Google

Nest co-founder Matt Rogers on Monday announced on its blog the Nest Developer Program, an awesome initiative that will allow developers to use their devices and apps together with Google’s Nest...

Google Panda 4.0: Google is Still Gunning For Low Quality Sites

Contributed by Marcus Tober, CTO and Founder of Searchmetrics Since May 20th many web sites that Google deems ‘poor’ in quality will have found themselves ranking lower in search results, potentially...

European Order to mute Google angers US

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Europe's moves to rein in Google — including a court ruling this month ordering the search giant to give people a say in what pops up when someone searches their name —...

Google must acknowledge ‘right to be forgotten’ to E.U. citizens

According to Daniel Fisher of “Forbes Magazine”, the largest problem Google faces revolves around the American and European rights to privacy.This month, Spanish citizen Mario Costeja González fought...

Time Travel with Google Maps

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Trips down memory lane are now available on Google's digital maps. The new twist on time travel is debuting Wednesday as part of the "Street View" feature in Google's...

Why Google’s +Post Ads Program May Be Important For You

On April 16, 2014 Google announced that +Post ads would be available to all Google+ brand pages that have more than 1,000 followers. In this article I will review what these are, why it is important...

Google Received More Government Data Requests Than Yahoo

Google has had a 120% increase in requests for private information of its users from the government. That is why it wants more governmental transparency in these matters. "Government requests...

Judge tosses class-action push for Google suit

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A judge has tossed out an effort to win class-action status for a lawsuit accusing Google of violating the privacy terms of email users. U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh ruled late...

Why Traffic To These Google Alternatives Is Soaring

What you look for on the Internet reveals a lot about you, which is why a growing number of people are turning to services that do not track their searches and offer greater privacy protections than...