R2-D2 and C-3PO Wedding Rings

r2d2 c3po rings R2 D2 and C 3PO Wedding Rings
Ahh geek love. When a pair of Star Wars super fans get married surely you cannot expect them to go with boring old plain metal rings. No, they must proclaim both their love for each other and their love for the epic trilogy simultaneously. And the way to do it is with these R2-D2 and C-3PO wedding rings from Juan Hidalgo. They actually look like they’d almost pass for regular rings. Somehow the groom gets to be R2 though? Pretty cool. (via)

R2-D2 and C-3PO Wedding Rings
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Marvel Comics Superhero Jewelry Collection from 1928 Jewelry

marvel comics jewelry Marvel Comics Superhero Jewelry Collection from 1928 Jewelry
Finally- superhero jewelry that’s not tacky! The Marvel Collection from 1928 Jewelry Marvel Comics Superhero Jewelry Collection from 1928 Jewelry is a well thought out, classy collection of jewelry inspired by the comic superheros. Punisher gun rings, Wolverine claw necklaces and earings, Captain America items, Thor, it’s all there. Check out the Spiderman drop necklaces, cuff bracelets, spiderweb earings and more:
spiderman jewelry 650x353 Marvel Comics Superhero Jewelry Collection from 1928 Jewelry
What’s cool about them is that many of them look like legitimate jewelry pieces and not like a costume or novelty item. There’s even stuff for dudes too like belt buckles and cufflinks. Over 100 different pieces and prices range from $8 to $78 depending on the item.

buy now Marvel Comics Superhero Jewelry Collection from 1928 Jewelry

Marvel Comics Superhero Jewelry Collection from 1928 Jewelry