Sigma DP3 Merrill to ship in March, deliver distance macros for $999

Sigma DP3 Merrill to ship in March, deliver distance macros for $999

Sigma may have left us waiting on details for the DP3 Merrill's launch, but not for long. It just confirmed that its next crack at a small Foveon X3 camera will reach US shops in March, when it should cost the same $999 on the street as its Merrill siblings. You're mostly getting a change in optics with the DP3 variant: it brings in a 50mm (75mm with crop factor) f/2.8 lens that allows bright macro and telephoto shots without cozying up to the subject. As long as you can live with quirks like VGA-only video, the DP3 Merrill is ready to pre-order at the source link.

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Via: SlashGear

Source: Sigma