Freezcube Tells You If Food in Your Freezer Has Gone Bad, Though Not if It’s Bad for You

It’s hard to tell when food in your freezer has spoiled because, well it’s frozen. You can’t always tell by smell. FreezCube is here to help. It is a simple device that tells you how much time you have to safely consume the frozen food stored in your freezer if the freezer loses power.

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The device has four compartments, each has an organic liquid with a different freezing point. By seeing which liquid has melted and thus fallen into the lower half, you can determine how warm the freezer became. This tells you approximately how many days the food will keep before it should be thrown out.
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If you are worried about bad food in your freezer, FreezCube is available on Amazon for $19.99.

[via Laughing Squid via Red Ferret]