Floating Frisbee Could Fly 100 Feet or More

I’ve never been all that good at throwing a frisbee. On occasion, I’ll get off a good shot, but it usually goes like 15 or 20 feet then peters out or takes a violent turn off course. But if one inventor gets his way, we might soon be throwing around frisbees that could fly 100 feet on a single throw.

floating frisbee

Leonid Zaytsev’s Floating Frisbee concept would have a lightweight fan built into the middle of it, giving the fan extra loft when thrown, thus keeping it in the air longer. The design envisious a circular cutout in the middle, with a fan and a cage around it to protect your fingers when throwing and catching it. I imagine there would be some sort of circuit to kick the fan in when thrown, and it would probably need some sort of stabilization to ensure the fan doesn’t throw it way off course, and the battery would need to be very light in order to not weigh it down too much. Engineering challenges aside, it’s a cool concept, and hopefully one that will eventually make it to market. If you like the idea, head over to Quirky and comment on the Floating Frisbee.