Mad Max: Fury Road Flamethrower Ukulele

One of the more whimsical parts of Mad Max: Fury Road is the so-called “Doof Warrior” and his rock and roll rig on wheels. I especially loved the massive stack of amps and speakers, and the ridiculous bungee thing he was swinging from. Of course, his flaming guitar was pretty hysterical too.

Our pal Caleb Kraft over at Make: liked it enough to make his own flamethrowing string instrument. But instead of going with an electric guitar, Caleb’s axe is a ukulele – and it’s pretty impressive if you ask me.

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The whole thing is self-contained, so it’s really quite a portable flamethrower. The key elements include an igniter, a butane canister, a caulk gun, some moldable plastic, and a hose. You can check it out in action in the video below:

Head on over to Make: for the full build guide. Keep in mind that with a project like this, you’re literally playing with fire, so please use caution if you decide to try and replicate Caleb’s fiery instrument. And certainly don’t try and play it while dangling from a bungee rig on a moving vehicle.