Got the sun in my pocket


As much as I’d like, Solar Power hasn’t become mainstream yet. I guess not many people have really seen how useful it can be. Apart from solar panels on your roof, no one has really explored alternative uses for these panels. Why? Because they’re bulky, expensive, and for the longest time, they were breakable. But now technology’s solved all those problems for us. The Heli-on is a testament to that. Designed to fit into the grip of your palm, this pocket sized wonder has its own flexible solar panel rolled up cozily into a cylindrical outer casing. It also has its own inbuilt battery that allows you to charge your devices when Mr. Sun is a’hiding. Use the solar panels to directly charge your devices, or to charge the Heli-on itself. Stuck without sunlight? The Heli-on is still a good investment because it charges via USB too! Don’t ever run out of batteries on your phone because you played too much Temple Run ever again!

Designer: InfinityPV






