Nanofiber gel and snake venom work together to stop the bleeding

Researchers at Rice University announced a novel use for batroxobin, a hemotoxic component in the venom of two South American pit viper species. They've figured out how to leverage it as a potent coagulant -- when combined with a nanofiber hydrogel...

Timey Wimey Jell-O in a Jar, There’s Always Room for Doctor Who

Everyone loves Jell-O. Heck, even the Doctor loves him some Jell-O, as well as fish fingers, custard, and Jammie Dodgers of course. This special Doctor Who Jell-O will give you a nice, wibbly wobbly snack for that Who marathon you are planning.
doctor who jell o jar
If you you want to make your own galaxy in a jar, made of Jell-O, you can find the recipe at Bakingdom. You see, it looks like a galaxy. In a jar.

The TARDIS as well as Doctor and companion figures are optional. You don’t need them to enjoy this treat, it just makes it taste even better when you have props. I wonder if the TARDIS would get stuck in a Jell-O universe or just keep going.

[via Neatorama]