Book Your Vacation to Winterfell Using Kayak

Now you can finally book that vacation to Winterfell you’ve been dying to go on. Or you can visit King’s Landing. Why not Pentos? will help you travel the Seven Kingdoms, since they have teamed up with HBO to help you get information on traveling around Westeros and Essos.

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Travel by Carriage or Ship is available between these ten cities, depending on their location, and you must allow sufficient time for travel based on method of excursion.

· Kings Landing, Westeros (KLA)
· Gulltown, Westeros (GUN)
· Lannisport, Westeros (LPR)
· Oldtown, Westeros (OLT)
· Pyke, Iron Islands, Westeros (PYK)
· White Harbor, Westeros (WHI)
· Winterfell, Westeros (WFL)
· Braavos, Essos (BRV)
· Pentos, Essos (PEO)
· Tyrosh, Essos (YRH)

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Book your vacation now before hostilities break out. You never know where the next dragon fight or clash of armies will occur.

[via Buzzfeed via Nerd Approved]