Facebook shuts down TheFind after its Acquisition

For people that aren’t familiar with TheFind website, it was a shopping search engine. It was growing popular and at a very fast pace when Facebook decided that they wanted to buy the website.Today...

Facebook reduces the distribution of Hoaxes in News Feed

Facebook explains that the basic aim or goal of the News Feed on the site is to catch up with one’s friends and find the things that matter to people. Moreover Facebook stated that it always looks...

Facebook launches FaceTube to compete YouTube

It is common knowledge by now that Facebook is loosing grounds to the newer social media apps available to everyone and the company now has to re-think their whole publicizing strategies. Whether its...

Zuckerberg talks about adding ‘dislike’ button

For years Facebook users have been waiting to see a dislike button on the social networking site and most of you would be excited to know that CEO Mark Zuckerberg is actually considering introducing...

Facebook introduces a New Groups App for iOS and Android

Recently, Facebook has launched a standalone Groups app in order to enhance user experience. Features such as powerful notification controls and group discovery section are incorporated in this app....

Facebook is looking to Bring in Brands By Replacing Unpaid Ads

There was a time when Facebook worried about people and did everything to make the people happy. There was a time when Facebook didn’t have any ads and that is why people started loving it. There...

Facebook’s Internet-Connected Drones Are As Big As Commercial Aircrafts

Facebook's noble mission to bring internet access to developing countries is coming to a reality. The social network's engineering director at Facebook Connectivity Lab, Yael Maguire, told Mashable...