Living with Glass, Week Three: Apps, Updates and Apiarists

Living with Glass, Week Three Apps, Updates and Apiarists

It's been a little while since I last checked in with Glass, but it's time to file another report and let you know how Glass is fitting in with my life -- or, increasingly, how it isn't. We're on the eve of Google I/O, where Glass, in its near-current state, was unveiled to the world last year. I figure that by the end of this week the Glass landscape will have shifted, so before anything tilts too drastically, let's take a final look at where we stand now.

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Living with Glass, Day Four: Canyon Carving


Finally, the flash of newness is wearing off. It's taken a few days, but the initial novelty of Glass, enjoying wearing it simply because I could wear it, is running thin. The haze of new gadget excitement is clearing and we can truly get down to brass tacks -- but that doesn't mean I'm not having fun. In fact I've had the opportunity to take Glass with me to do something very fun indeed: ride a Ducati 848 Streetfighter on some of the most amazing roads in the world.

Even as I did this, a jaunt more focused on gathering some exciting footage than truly evaluating the device, I learned some things -- including the fact that a Google Glass headset doesn't really fit underneath a full-face helmet. Not comfortably, anyway.

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Living with Google Glass, Day Three: Security Checkpoint

You might be inclined to think that airport security is not the best place to wear Google Glass. You'd probably be right, but given the amount that I travel it was pretty-well inevitable that I'd cross through some security checkpoint before the course of this testing would be through.

I'm honored to be part of the XPRIZE Visioneering conference this week, a gathering of incredible minds putting their considerable brainpower behind the creation of competitions to make the world a better place. But, to take part I'd have to get out to California, and that meant yet another long flight across the country -- and another trip through the full-body scanner. The question is, how would the folks at airport security react to it?

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