This biomimicry based car comes with bioluminescent microbes, showing the organic design trend is here to stay!

Directing our attention towards a very different kind of automotive concept design is the Microbial Loop, the brainchild of designer Jianhui Zheng (a.k.a. Jeffry). The ultra-futuristic concept imbibes the design language of life with the character of industrial traditional geometric modeling. The concept car is dominated by curved surfaces and contoured designs that aid in aerodynamic airflow for high-speed scuffles. But the USP of the Microbial Loop is the dynamic biological effect in a rhythmic motion for a dynamic interactive visual experience. The idea is something similar to the Volvo Haven which has a UX tunnel enclosure right in the middle running the length of the car that houses plants, algae, and moss!

The car’s core structure is inspired by the infinite space cycle of the Klein bottle for morphological evolution. This creates a hollow interconnected interior and exterior where the light-emitting microbes circulate and put forth a symphony of driving and space wrapping masterpiece. The two-seater autonomous coupe has a semi-transparent covered roof sans any windows – clearly not a space claustrophobic people would prefer. The whole section running from the front to the back opens up to give access to the internal cabin. The interior has a very minimal feel to it, with the focus centered on the microbial movement lighting the vehicle in the dark of the night.

Jianhui chose MG Motors as the branding for this very future-forward ride and the renders suggest it is as good on the water as it is on land. How it exudes the amphibious character is anybody’s guess. I can’t stop but think of the Microbial Loop as a Batmobile for the geeky Batman on a mission to save the world from robotic AI invasion!

Designer: Jianhui Zheng