Watch a mile-long asteroid sling past the Earth tonight at 7 PM ET

An asteroid will hit Earth -- it’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” Fortunately, the space rock known as 1998 OR2 won’t be crashing your quarantine party, but it’s still considered a potentially hazardous object since it will come within four million...

Arecibo Observatory nets $19 million grant to search for dangerous asteroids

NASA has ensured the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico can continue its search for near Earth objects (NEOs) that pose a threat to the planet with a $19 million grant. The fund was awarded to the University of Central Florida, which operates the obs...

‘Asteroid Day’ is a good time to learn about the threat of space rocks

On June 30th, 1908, more than 770 square miles of remote Russian forest were obliterated from the face of the Earth when a relatively small meteor, estimated at only around 400 feet across, unleashed 15 megatons of energy above the Stony Tunguska Riv...

Earth is Not Ending by Asteroid Next Month says NASA

Life goes on. An internet meme rumor had it that in September of this year an asteroid would hit earth. And it would wipe off all of life from the face of the planet. But NASA has laughed off the...

Space Peanut Flyby Video Captured by NASA

Radio signals were emitted by two giant radio telescopes. The result is a series of images of the passing asteroid. It's shaped like a peanut. The heavenly body approached the outer limits of earth...

Near-Earth Asteroids Are Key To Earliest Solar System History

Thousands of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) circle us from almost every angle. But null Because a portion of these whirling planetary dervishes represent the most primitive and un-evolved bodies in our...

The Beast Will Zip By Earth on June 8

'The Beast' will fly by Earth late Saturday, June 7, until the morning of Sunday, June 8, says Megan Gannon of The news editor reports the importance in the article titled “Huge 'Beast'...

Cosmic Collision sent Chelyabinsk Asteroid Towards Earth

The Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia smashed through Earth’s atmosphere on the rebound from a collision with another asteroid in space. Researchers from Tohoku University in Japan have...

Planetary Resources will mine Asteroids with Arkyd-100 Series Spaceships

Planetary Resources, Inc. announced today its plan to mine Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) for raw materials, ranging from water to precious metals. Through the development of cost-effective exploration...